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Antonio García Ferrer

Full Professor of Econometrics


Ph.D. in Economics – University of Califormia, Berkeley

Ms. in Economics. University of California, Berkeley

Fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters, 2018

President of the International Institute of Forecasters, 2008 – 2012

Director of the International Institute of Forecasters, since 2001


Quantitative methods for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting business cycles

Research Interests

Econometrics, time series, forecasting, business cycles

Selected publications

García-Ferrer, A. (2020). “Forecasting COVID-19 daily with simple transfer function models”. IJF Special Section: Epidemics and Forecasting with focus on COVID-19. May 7th, 2020.

García-Ferrer, A., Bujosa, M., de Juan, A. and Sánchez-Mangas, R. (2020). “Revisiting the relationship between traffic accidents, real economic activity and other factors in Spain”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105549.

Bujosa, M., García-Ferrer, A., de Juan, A. and Martin Arroyo, A. (2020). “Evaluating early warning and coincident indicators of business cycles using smooth trends” Journal of Forecasting, 39(1), 1-17.